ZaneI stumbled upon BricksBiggsFix on a Reddit page and decided to take a closer look. My Schecter PT Fastback II B had a severe break angle and was having some tuning stability issues so I decided to give the Tuning Stabilizer (BTS-V3) a try. I also picked up the string-through top loader shaft and the super squishy spring to top things off. Installation was very easy and took maybe 10 minutes to install everything on my Bigsby B50. I had some questions along the way, so I shot Bill an email and he responded almost immediately and answered my questions and provided some useful install tips. I actually purchased the tuning stabilizer and super squishy spring in separate orders on the same day so I had to pay for shipping twice, but he kindly combined the orders and refunded shipping! He also shipped my items very quickly. Now I have an upgraded Bigsby, that is extremely easy to restring and all of my tuning stability issues were resolved! I'm so grateful that I stumbled upon BricksBiggsFix and now I enjoy using my Bigsby more than ever. Give Bill's products a try! If you have any questions reach out to Bill and I know he will be glad to help you in any way that he can!
BTS5712 2.0 on Gretsch BroadkasterKevinI’ve put your stabilizer into 5 of my guitars with Bigsbys and every time they are much improved and way more fun to play. The latest is a Gretsch Broadkaster. It would not stay in tune at all, no matter what I did. I installed the stabilizer today along with the squishy spring and away we go….. Much improved tuning and response and the new spring is wonderful. Thanks for an amazing product,
BTSV3 on Epiphone WildkatChadI just wanted to say, “Thank you.” I used the bricksbiggsfix on my Wildkatt (epiphone) guitar, along with the super squishy spring, and it works; Furthermore, it sounds beautiful but I had a pro install it. He had never done it before… I called him back to let him know how it worked, now he knows and I know… He said, “I made his day.” So, I am responding to show appreciation to you as well. I am very happy and this is the first good guitar I have ever owned (I’m 49)… Now I can finally play the way I’ve always wanted to. It was well worth it. Thank you again, Chad J. L
Bigsby BTS-5712-V2Michael OI love Bigsby tremolos but have tolerated tuning instability for years. I wish I would have discovered this product years ago! Very easy to install and I am purchasing my third one from Brick'sBiggsFix. This is one of those "why didn't I think of that?" solutions and I feel it does not detract from the appearance of the guitar. If it's good enough for my 1952 Les Paul and 1979 Telecaster it should make the most particular players happy. Now I have perfect tuning stability even if I get a little crazy with some vibrato. Maybe I should try one of those Squishy Springs....
BTSV3 and Super Squishy SpringAndyGot a new Gretsch G5622T that has a licensed Bigsby B70. Although I loved the look, the slightest use of the bigsby would throw the tuning way off. It was simply not that usable given how out of tune things got. With the BTSV3 and Super squishy spring, now the bigsby is a JOY to use, with so much easier usability and stable tune!!!!!
BTS5712 (V2) GL. Wade H.I know that you read and have read countless positive reviews about your amazing products, but you're going to read it one more time! I can't tell you (you already know) just what a dramatic improvement the tuning stabilizer and SSS has made to this very expensive instrument. I paid $2400 + tax for my G6131T PE Firebird Duo Jet, and I knew in advance that I was going to correct the defect that's built in to the B-7 (and other) Bigsby. I really did not expect this much improvement. I mean Holy Molley, it's a phenomenal improvement! This guitar is heavily chambered mahogany w/a maple cap. It's supposed to be loud unplugged (and it was). But now, I swear, it's twice as loud unplugged than it used to be, but wait....... Plug it into a amplifier, and the tone, sustain, and tuning stability is now fantastic, way better than with the stock tension bar in place. It is now totally worthy of the Gretsch name, and totally worthy to be in my stable (collection) of other higher end guitars. Thanks again, Bill, warmest regards,
BTS5712 2.0 and Super Super Squishy I don’t know exactly what I expected, but this thing is fantastic. Works perfectly and even looks good. That spring is way better than the Reverend spring too. Great doing business with you.
BTSV3 ans Super Squishy SpringBill D.I recently acquired an Epiphone Johnny A Custom guitar with a B70 licensed Bigsby. I loved the guitar, but the Bigsby was very tight and unresponsive. In doing my online research about this guitar before purchasing, I noticed in reviews that many players had installed the BiggsFix with excellent results. Well, add me to that group! The BiggsFixx and squishy spring have made a huge difference...the guitar stays in tune much better, and the vibrato arm is now super sensitive to the touch....capable of much subtler moves. I would highly recommend this to anybody with a Bigsby with a tension bar. Excellent product!
BTSV2G and SSSGGregory B.Once I again, BricksBiggs has come up with an terrific solution to a Bigsby fundamental flaw. Last week, I installed a BiggsFix V2 tuning stabilizer on a shiny new Gretsch 6229 Sparkle Jet. I bought the guitar knowing that I hate B7s. I have tuning issues with them and they lack the buttery feel of a good old B3. The tuning stabilizer improved the feel of the B7 a lot. It's hard to speak to how much it improved tuning because I added this immediately after purchase but I firmly believe it helps. Today, I installed the Super Squishy Spring. This brought that buttery feel back. By using a taller (1") spring that's made with smaller diameter metal coil, it removes some tension and keeps the arm at a comfortable height. Perfect combination. With these two additions, this B7 feels like the B3s I have on other guitars and I couldn't be happier. Two great, simple, cheap mods. I haven't even had to change strings to try both of these. Just brilliant!
BTSV3 and SSSGeorge MI installed the bricksbiggsfix tuning stabilizer and the super squishy spring today on my Gretsch 2655t in minutes just like is says. Its like night and day with my guitar now totally different now and the difference in the feel of the spring now is amazing , I recommend this product to anyone with tuning problems with a bigsby, it shipped same day as I ordered ,well made well priced product , now ur guitar with bigsby tuning problems doesn’t need to be just a wall hanger.
BTSV2Jim GAfter trying endless ways to get my Bigsby to even remotely stay in tune, I actually gave up on one of my favorite guitars. Found this site, read the reviews, and decided to roll the dice. I can tell you that this thing works PERFECTLY. It’s now a joy to play. Before if I even brushed up against the Bigsby it would go out of tune. Now I can just beat the hell out of it and it stays right in tune. I have two other guitars with Bigsbys, and they’ll each be getting a Biggsfix asap. Well done! What a great product, and what a great insight into the issue with most Bigsbys. I never would have thought of the break angle being a problem. I’ll say what many other reviewers said: just buy the thing. It works exactly as advertised.
Thank you!
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